
Numero 8.1 - Maggio 2006

Opinioni e Aggiornamenti


Trattamento con Levotiroxina in donne TPOAb(+) sottoposte a fecondazione in vitro


Ruolo degli ormoni ovarici

Amenorrea: Disturbo comportamentali e dell'alimentazione correlati.

Amenorrea nelle obese

Amenorrea e osteoporosi

L’amenorrea: diagnosi strumentale non invasiva

Le amenorree ipogondadotrope: forme cliniche

Efficacia del placebo nel trattamento delle pazienti con amenorrea

Integrazione endocrina e paracrina ipotalamo-ipofisaria

Amenorrea e iperolattinemia

Amenorrea ipergonadotropa

Dalla Ricerca dei Soci

Efficiency of equilibrium cooling and vitrification procedures for the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue: comparative analysis between human and animal models.

Damage to ovarian reserve associated with laparoscopic excision of endometriomas: a quantitative rather than a qualitative injury

Prolonged melatonin administration decreases nocturnal blood pressure in women

Effect on insulin sensitivity of Implanon vs. GnRH agonist in women with endometriosis

Monozygotic bichorionic twinning after transfer of a single frozen/thawed embryo that has undergone quarter laser-assisted zona thinning: A case report

Association of partial AZFc region deletions with spermatogenic impairment and male infertility

Fasting influences steroidogenesis, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels and mRNAs expression for VEGF, VEGF receptor type 2 (VEGFR-2), endothelin-1 (ET-1), endothelin receptor type A (ET-A)

Ovarian cancer in Europe: Cross-sectional trewnds in incidence and mortality in 28 countries, 1953-2000

Assessment of insulin sensitivity from measurements in the fasting state and during an oral glucose tolerance test in polycystic ovary syndrome and menopausal patents

Preantral follicular development in Massese lambs born during two seasons of the year

Glutathione Content and Glutathione Peroxidase Expression in In Vivo and In Vitro Matured Equine Oocytes
